Your data. Your UltraFICO™ Score.
You’re in control of your UltraFICO™ Score. By simply and securely linking with your checking, savings or money market accounts, your UltraFICO™ Score enhances your credit score based on indicators of responsible financial behavior. By opting in, you could broaden your access to more lending options and better terms.
7 out of 10 Consumers that show average savings of $400 without negative balances in past three months see an increase in their FICO® Score with the UltraFICO™ Score.
Over 15 million consumers who currently do not have a FICO® Score could receive an UltraFICO™ Score.
How the UltraFICO™ Score Works
With the UltraFICO™ Score, you are empowered to enhance your score by leveraging checking and savings account data in the score you build. If you have a low score or no score at all, you have a chance to increase your score based on data you share.
How the UltraFICO™ Score Can Benefit You
Your UltraFICO™ Score lets you show lenders indicators of responsible financial behavior, not visible on a traditional credit report, including:
-Evidence of savings and keeping a healthy average balance
-Maintaining a bank account over time
-Avoiding having a negative balance
-Regularly paying bills andmaking other bank transactions
Why trust the UltraFICO™ Score?
UltraFICO is a joint Financial Inclusion partnership of FICO, fintech pioneer Finicity, and the global leader in consumer credit reporting, Experian.